Friday, 2 January 2015

Morphe Brushes pallette - Jaclyn Hill favourites

So Jaclyn Hill fans have been sitting on the edge of their seats for the last 48hrs, refreshing the Morphe Brushes website every few minutes in an attempt to buy their new eyeshadow pallette, Jaclyn Hill Favorites. Thing is, the fans have been overloading the website with traffic since the sale of this pallette went live at 00h00 on 01/01/2015, making it nearly impossible to order the pallette.

I have been holding out for this pallette as a Christmas gift ever since I have started making my wishlist so I'm very anxious to get my order placed too. I have been one of those crazed fans for the last two days agonising over whether this limited edition pallette will sell out before I can secure one but am now just quietly hoping and waiting for the traffic to clear, thinking that I might settle for some Sigma brushes if I miss out on this gorgeous pallette.

This exercise demonstrates the popularity of make-up artist and YouTuber, Jaclyn Hill, and how we can't help but adore her and her recommendations. Don't buy the Morphe Brushes JH pallette now because it will only worsen the situation on the MB website, but you do have to take note of this woman who managed to crash a very large website.

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